Sunday, July 20, 2008

electronic rehab

Electronic Rehab

My son is going to summer camp in about two weeks. We are running off to the store in about an hour to pick up some new jeans for him. He likes to walk on the back of the hem and it makes me crazy. It’s his business I suppose, but I don’t want those people at camp to think that I allow him to walk around like that; I tolerate it for casual purposes only!

This is a 10 day camp. No electronics allowed! At first I thought he would die when I told him that they will make him check his cell phone in and he will only be allowed to use it for 30 minutes a day. No internet, no television, no iPods………nada…. he is going to have to detox off of electronics. He is suppose to be there to be at camp not somewhere else.

I don’t even know what he looks like without ear buds on, so this is really going to be strange when I pick him up. I am hoping that I will recognize him without his electronic charge.

We were talking about it and I had to explain to him was “beepers” were and phone machines with tapes. We even googled 8 tracks and he was amazed! I told him that in the “olden days” we had to wait to get home and play back our messages.

Then I got to thinking about my electronic choke chain. I feel so disconnected when I am without my cell phone. In truth my cell phone disconnects me from my “now” and takes me to everyone else’s “now.” I am thinking that this is the greatest invention ever, and then I think about how the world survived quite well without them.

So, my dear friends, today I am only checking my cell phone for messages once a day. I am setting a certain hour to return calls for a one hour time frame for an entire month just to prove to my son that this can be done. This is sort of like shaving your head when your girlfriend gets cancer in support of her. I am detoxing from my cell phone. I am going to join my son in electronic rehab.

Leave a message after the beep………………….BEEP!

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