Monday, November 3, 2008

I am opening a Plumbing School

Thinking about starting a new future?
Sending your kid to college?
Do you want to go to college?
Harvard? Stanford? Yale?
What are you crazy?
You don't think very highly of your talents do you?

Why am I sitting here killing myself over an algebra book when I can be learning how to put some pipes together and make $250,000 dollars a year!
Wait till the interns hear about this, they will be dropping out of medical school like flies in a raid tornado!
No malpractice. Doubletime for afterhours, Sundays and Holidays?
Oh, and I forgot I have half the country trying to cut my taxes because it is such a burden too?
Remember, no one had any sympathy for what the doctors were netting after they paid their "malpractice tax" to the insurance companies.
No one has any sympathy for the teachers that pay thousands of dollars out of their pockets for school supplies, yet the plumbers have won our hearts?

After much thinking I think that I will just open a plumbing school, submit your applications now, this is a great deal for all that seek opportunity!

I will include all those advanced classes that are popular with plumbers:
101 How to work slowly, remember you get paid by the hour
231 (with lab) Advanced scamming with live clients
400 Toilets are made to clog (how to repeat clogs for repeat calls)